I believe that people need to think and judge for themselves,
a person should never blindly accept any ideal, belief, or prepossession simply
because it what they have been taught. It does not matter who has taught this,
parents, teachers, religious leaders, and government officials are just as likely
to be wrong as anyone else. Investigate for yourself, those who would discourage
you are merely afraid of what you will find. I believe that people need to remember
that all news is biased, and that statistics can be made to prove anything.
I believe that nothing important has ever come from following the norm, a society
is advanced most by those who refuse to accept that the status quo is the height
of man. I believe that common sense is not now, and never was, common. I believe
that 'nothing is good or bad but man makes it so'. (I do not know who originally
said this quote, but it was not me, if you know or if it was you E-mail me.)
I believe that people should give credit where credit is due. I believe that
a person must work hard if he wants to make something of himself. There are
no shortcuts in the long term. I believe that when you cheat others you only
end up cheating yourself. I believe in 'Instant Karma', somehow everything manages
to come back around and hit you just when you think you're safe, like a cartoon
boomerang. I believe that all will be lost if we allow the rights of the many
to overrule the rights of one. I believe in the power of the individual. I believe
different does not mean wrong. I believe that words are merely symbols arranged
on a page. I believe that people who resort to petty insults rather than discuss
an issue are only parading their ignorance, not hiding it. I believe that it
is better for 10 guilty men go free than for one innocent man be punished. I
believe that so-called 'Political Correctness' is an absurd attempt to fix a
problem that does not exist, so forgive me if I use 'antiquated' English rather
than our more obsequious modern English. I believe in Free Will, that if you
choose not to decide, you still have made a choice. I believe that ignorance
and prejudice and fear go hand in hand. I believe that the things we criticize
most in others are the things that we feel we are capable of ourselves. I believe
in Rock and Roll, and that music can save my mortal soul. I believe that everyone
should listen to Don McLean's song, 'American Pie' at least once in his life.
I believe that fashion is merely another name for conformity. I believe that
understanding should be more important than judgement. I believe that 'A foolish
consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds' (Emerson). I believe that Calvin
Coolidge was correct when he said, 'Nothing I have never said has ever done
me any harm.' I believe that, 'Learning without knowledge is foolishness, knowledge
without learning is perilous' (Confucius). I believe that 'it is easier to try
than to prove it can't be done' (The Moody Blues). I believe that we have met
the enemy and he is us. 'I believe in Kingdom Come, that all the colors will
bleed into one' (U2). Finally, I believe that experience is the best teacher;
don't just look, see; don't just hear, listen; don't just touch, feel; and never
just talk, always speak.
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